I cannot sit back any longer and not vent about how disappointed I am that I am mourning the loss of my candidate! Go GEORGE BUSH!! Rock on that he defended the deaths that happened on 9-11! It's what the AMERICAN people pushed him to do for the SEVERAL MONTHS that he hesitated before he did it! He inherited Clinton's MESS and defended our right to LIVE!! And now everybody acts like they hate him for it! Unbelievable! He did exactly what we all wanted and needed! He defended our freedom to live. And now we're electing socialism! Unbelieveable. The same naiive, gullibility that made Al Gore rich (because global warming was BOUGHT hook, line and sinker) elected a man full of empty promises. We're losing our freedoms because WE ARE GIVING THEM AWAY!! I wish I could quote exactly the words that I can't keep from living in my head. The words spoken by Russia's president during Eisenhower's time to our secretary of agriculture Ezra Taft Benson: he said "you Americans are so gullible. You accept socialism in such small increments that your grandchildren won't know when they've awakened in communism." SLAVERY ENDED over 150 years ago! Modern Day Slaves:#1; people who take government handouts without a personal plan to better their lives. (creates dependence)#2; Middle class people who bought the notion that credit cards are glamerous and acquire debt because they think the credit system WORKS! (just the opposite; creates dependence). A BLACK person if any should be able to tell you that slavery is this: they take your mind and keep your body going. Blacks believe they're the fabric that built this nation? The middle class are slaves. Don't worry Woopie Golberg.. you don't ever have to worry about slavery again.. the middle class whites will take it for you.. because we're giving away our minds and keeping our bodies going. obama doesn't want to end slavery.. he just wants to REDISTRIBUTE it! Too much government.. he IS President Government. ANY person who voted for obama had better never play the "we were slaves" card with me --EVER. They voted for it. I understand what freedom is as a concept and I think it's being forgotten by most Americans. People confuse church and state with freedom and religion. One must be kept separate; the other CANNOT. Church and State must be kept separate. (it's why we fled England in the first place.) But Freedom and Religion CANNOT exist; one without the other. THAT is what our forefathers understood. It is THIS concept that is soooo forgotten and misunderstood... perhaps it's because it isn't being taught in schools!! Remember when we lead the world in academics? It was ironically when we were a God fearing people not TRYING to lead in academics; we were seeking first His kingdom. We are being controlled with government hand-outs and debt. It isn't that obama is "nice"-- it's that he gains power over us. It isn't in the name of "our beautiful real estate that he refuses to drill for our own natural resourses; and that ol' sleeze clinton closed our access to them; it's because he creates dependence on foreign countries. Clinton kept us dependent. obama will finish our economy off (while blaming George Bush for it) so that we're further dependendent. It'll be the o' Push-the-nest-from-the-tree-so-everyone-can-see-you-save-the-baby-birds syndrome. He will go for a world currency.. and undoubtedly will expect HIS face to be plastered on it when the only currency that warrents his face is the FOOD STAMP! George Bush tried to break all of that and keep us free. Obama will put us further back than clinton got us. We are being LIED to!! "the beauty of our real estate --global warming --government handouts --and what's in your wallet"... are you seeing a pattern here?... They OWN us when we participate in this CRAP!
As long as the people understand how we're losing our freedoms.. we cannot be controlled. We are a free people. We cannot afford to forget these simple, fundamental concepts. I for one will stand for my freedom! Freedom is on many levels; national, it's about races of people and it's individual. Women have fought for freedom... freedom to vote, freedom to think, freedom to OUTVOTE their husband's votes!! lol!! haha! No guy will ever mind what I read.. I'll tell you what! lol!! You will never hear me say "honey, who are we voting for." Women have fought for freedom from their husband's beatings and control for decades! (creates dependence) Freedom is a personal choice. I made mine 19 years ago. Can you imagine relinquishing your freedoms to that degree, even; a brutal man who promised to love and cherish you?!! No woman in MY family has ever been that dead headed and no woman following after me will be either --I guarantee you that!... Please people... it's about faith in God that we will prosper in this land... and Freedom is God-given. Start now.. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God then seek to understand. keep osama (oops)! --I mean obama down to 2-4 years! NOT EIGHT!!! Start by getting pelosi OUT! Obama needs to be impeached based on failure to produce an AUTHENTIC birth certificate.. AND illegal $$$ he ran for office with. I've never seen such a charmed candidate. It's like he could do no wrong. He wouldn't have won without all the little college coed FOLLOWERS who are scared to death of independence and the real world! They HOPE he'll take care of them because they don't have the confidence (or the faith it takes) to take care of THEMSELVES! But they sure do talk a big talk.. I believe in vocational school --get in, learn a trade --get OUT before they have time to brainwash you. Colleges across this nation have become a liberal JOKE! I'm almost embarrassed to admit I have a degree.. I'd rather be able to say I live the American dream.. living off the land.. running my own small business.. Ya know, I think OJ Simpson could have won this election! BTW.. how'd ya like Michelle's Black Widow dress she wore on election night??... I'm sure no fashion consultant was in on that one..
After thought: having said that.. I'm resigning myself to the fact that obama's safety is dependent on our nation's safety. We WILL be at war if anything bad happens to him. We need to pray for his safety. But know this; as far as the pendulum swung under Bush, it will swing further Left under obama. So go ahead Barrack! Do your dirty work! Out of the Carter administration came a Reagan. and out of this new administration will come one too... perhaps a Romney??... wut wut??.. a Mormon?? Does it get further Right than that? That's how far Left the pendulum will have to swing for it to swing further Right in order to prepare the people to ring him in. I believe Romney may be being saved for another day. Of course with the implementation of the Fairness Doctrine (which was thrown out BEFORE for a REASON!) the pendulum won't have a CHANCE to swing back Right! We'll be lucky if we still GET to vote in 4 years! For now... how will our individual responsibilites lay?.. Granted.. what must be will be. Christ had to make the ultimate sacrifice for what had to be. Eve had to "disobey" for what had to be. Apparently we CAN'T keep all the laws. Don't argue.. we wouldn't be here without her choice.. (my personal heroine); Let's face it ladies.. men can only follow.. as women choose; so do societies follow.. NEVER underestimate your power. I'm sure those responsible for Christ's death proved their worth --even tho' it had to be. At least I know I will not have to face my Maker confessing that I voted the furthest AWAY from the constition that my choices gave me.. I didn't vote for Godlessness. We are responsible to save this; the Promised Land" to preserve Her and to defend Her Freedom..! Keep osama --I mean obama (hussein) from 4 more years! Start NOW!!!
11 years ago
I could not have said it better myself! thank you for that! being in this vast land of liberals and hard hearted people, i am glad there are still the just few who will stand up for what they know is right! thank you again for that!
Very interesting. I love how you just put it right out there... No holds barred! You made me nervous the other day, and i am glad to see that you won't be going down without a fight!! :)
I fixed my blog video the howard stern experiment. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a governement cover-up! you nerd!
Cocolano, you have a blog (HOORAY!) I can't wait to be blogging buddies. Ok, are you going to be in IF at all during Thanksgiving? Please say yes.
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